“But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.” Colossians 3:14–NKJV

Feb. 2nd: Ladies Fellowship immediately following the morning service.
Feb. 9th: Starting at 9:00 am. Come out and enjoy the pancake breakfast which is a fundraiser to help Cole. / Time to prepare for the Super Bowl party! Bring your favorite soup or dessert to share. We will start at 4:00 pm. Come and enjoy the Fellowship and football game. For more information see Pastor Rusty.
Feb. 12th: Special Valentines Dinner–all are welcome to come. More information to come soon. Canceled due to weather.

Feb. 20th: OWLS luncheon with Pastors Beans! 11:30am. Bring a side dish or dessert to share! Please watch for announcements in case of cancellation due to weather!

March 4th: We will be hosting the Women’s Spring District SGRA meeting. Registration begins at 6 pm and the meal and meeting begins at 6:30 pm. Our special speaker will be Ileene Hilton (church planter to Hawaii). A love offering will be received for her. Dress Hawaiian if you would like.
“Valet Service” is available at the church to those who need assistance during bad weather for Sunday services. If you are interested in using this service, please feel free to ask Pastor for details.
7:00 p.m. all Wednesdays: Classes for all ages–
Jesus, the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Prayer is the most powerful force.
Faith is the strongest foundation.
Grace is when God gives us good things that we don’t deserve.
Mercy is when He spares us from bad things we deserve.
Blessings are when He is generous with both.
Sometimes we’re the hands & feet of Jesus; other times we’re HIS shoulder for others to lean on..